Quinny is a Dutch brand, very popular in Europe and gaining fans in the United States. Like its competitors, Bugaboo, Quinny stroller which is minimalist and catchy, and the father-friendly. Both companies for high-end consumer market, which is why so many movie stars, politicians and social elites to push and see Quinnys bogeys. If you simply must have the strollers of the stars, you should consider the Bugaboo Gecko and the Quinny Buzz. This side by side than to helpto decide.
Let's face it, design is the real reason you're thinking about buying a Quinny Buzz or Bugaboo Gecko is. You could find many hikers with similar features for much less money, but none of them would be as cold as a gecko or a buzz.
Externally, both are beautiful to look at strollers. The Bugaboo Gecko is older than a few years, and it shows in his design a little square. The Quinny Buzz has a flatter seat, a more modern look, but the seat geckoseems more at ease. The use of two walkers seen in about the same. The real difference between the buzz and the gecko is in their homes. It seems an individual basis, the Quinny Buzz has a body more elegant with a sporty design with three wheels. However, the Bugaboo Gecko versatile frame with four wheels and can be used in different places. Both the Quinny Buzz and the function of Gecko larger air-filled rear wheels which give a smooth ride and effortless.
Both the Bugaboo Gecko and the QuinnyBuzz storage systems that are foolish too small to be practical, even if they do look cool.
If you use the stroller to be mainly in the city, will meet with both the Bugaboo Gecko and the Quinny your expectations. The Quinny Buzz is smaller and has a compact fold, which opens by itself with a little push from you. The buzz is closer step is useful when using public transport or browse through the crowded streets and shops.
IfThey plan to take the baby off the beaten path, the Bugaboo Gecko is a much better choice. The buzz does not handle snow, sand or rough road well. The comparison Bugaboo Gecko can go almost anywhere, thanks to the capabilities of the chassis' to become an all-terrain vehicle.
Both the Bugaboo stroller and Quinny are expensive. The base Bugaboo Gecko sells for about $ 680, but has the advantage that comes with a 2-year warranty, car seats and childrenCoverage for all seasons. The Quinny Zapp in retail for under $ 200, but then you have to buy all the essential accessories. Pound for pound, it's hard to pick a real winner of these two producers buggy, but if saving money is your main goal then Quinny wins.